Taking what we hear on TV with what we see in the novels, I've noticed a lot of patterns in
the primary Bajoran language. Some of that must be unintentional, but it's suprising just how well the pieces we have link together. The Bajorans seem to have a language which, having forgotten the
technical linguistic term, I proudly refer to as the
approach. The idea of base ideograms in the written language (as canonically established)
seems to fit with that. So here it is, my Bajoran dictionary.
A: Prefix signifying
"the", as in "The one true" or "the prime", the model example.
Aclim: An era of history.
Alva: A yellow fruit.
"va" is "source", and is found in the names of other foods like Veklava and
Amojan: "The Evil One" (A-"The" Mo-"One",
Amoran: "The Banishment" (A-"The", Moran-"Banishment",
to become "one", cut off from others)
Ara/Arra: "Place", usually
more spiritual or figurative than literal, although "the land and the people
are one" as the Bajorans say, so physical and spiritual location are
Ashalla: Capital city of Bajor.
("A"-The, prime example, "Shalla"-Social gathering of religious significance,
itself from "Shal"-gather and "La"-Spiritual/community centre).
Asnor: A fish.
Avaru: "Truth-seekers", a
religious term from "A-The", "Va"-Source, and "Ru"-seeking truth, understood as
an implied goal. E.g. Ohalavaru are seekers of truth affiliated with the
teachings of Ohalu.
B': As a prefix, denotes something sacred or
B'hala: The City of Light, the sacred city, ("B'"-Sacred/holy,
"Ha"- light, "la"-spiritual or social community centre)
Bajor's sun. "Source and bringer of holy light" ("B'"-Sacred/holy, "Ha"- light,
"Va"-source, "el"-of, in the sense of bringing, bringer
B'Lavael: A mountain where a holy man/woman was inspired to
found a city ("B'"-Sacred/holy, "la"- community centre, "Va"-source, "el"-of, in
the sense of bringing, bringer of, here, inspiration for)
"Awakening", in a religious sense, sacred vision or
Bajora: The people, corruption of "B'Ja'arra"- Holy
Social position (e.g. "People of God") (B'-holy, "Ja"-social, "arra"-position.
Once a theocratic nation, now a species name.
Balik(am): "Go
away", "get lost".
Bantaca: Traditional spire marking
Bateret: A plant.
Batos: A domesticated
Belaklavion: A musical instrument
Boryhas: Spirits of the dead yet to depart for the Celestial
Buru: "Bu"-Life, "Ru"-Seeking Truth, so "life spent in
search of truth" as part of a religious existence, common word in
Cela: A plant, leaves used in tea.
D': As a
prefix, signifies position, belonging, ownership.
D'Jarra: The old
caste system. "Belonging to a social position", "D'"-belonging, "Ja"-social,
Dal'Rok: Demon spirit.
Dara: "Home",
corruption of "D'Arra", literally "belonging-place", D'-belonging,
De-ram: "Opening Up", the process where by collective
religious passion is focused upon a designated prayer leader to help them access
the Prophets more easily. Used as part of prayers. "De"-Up, "Ram"- to open.
Duran: "Remembrance"
Duranja: Lamp lit for a dead
friend, from "Duran"- remembrance, and "Ja"- social.
El: "Of,
Elipagh: One who brings a spiritual message, a holy
messanger, a proxy, the Emissary.
Esani: A flowering
Eyisa: An era of Bajoran history
Foraiga: A
Ha: "Light"
Ha'Dara: "Home of Light", name of
planet settled by Hirogen-built holograms, named by Iden, a Bajoran
hologram.From "Ha"-light, and "Dara"-Home, corruption of "D'Arra", literally
"belonging-place", D'-belonging, "Arra"-place.
Hara: A feline
animal. Seems to be "light-time". Hmmm, are they active at
Hasperat: Mmmmm...Hasperat....spicy
Ih: "Assigning, locating"
Traditional coming-of-age ritual for 14-year old girls
Ih'valla: A
D'jarra, the artist caste. From "Ih"-assigning, "Va"-source, "La"-spiritual
community centre, "assignment to the source of our community spirit" (In keeping
with this caste being a high one)
Iktashu: Prophecy, possibly a
specific kind.
Imutta (Ih'mutta): A D'jarra, the undetaker
Indurane: "Ancient" Note the root "Duran"-"remembrance".
Ja: "Social", as in signifying a connection between other concepts
in a compund word and everyday society/people interacting.
"Social freedom", an expansion of Ja, a prominent and respected social position
arrived at through living in a holy manner.
Jalbador: The Red
Wormhole, worshipped as home of the gods by the One True Way cult.
Jalkaree: The Blue wormhole, home of
the Prophets. Notice "Jal"-social freedom and holy living, and "ka"-good.
Jan: A different, darker kind of social freedom- "Evil". A willful
moral outcast from society exhibits Jan.
Kai: "Goodness", with an intensifier "i". Leader of the
Kava: A tree producing edible nuts, a staple of the Bajoran
diet. "Source of Goodness", from "Ka"-goodness, and "va"-source.
Ke: A personification of something, an avatar of an ideal made
physical. Also a family name in some regions.
Kejal: "Freedom", a
name, from "Ke"-personification, "jal"-social freedom, holy
Kejelious: An era of Bajoran
Kheet'agh: An extreme insult.
Koss: "To be",
modified to "Kosst" as a title of dark religious significance, now used as a
curse word by most Bajorans due to association with Kosst Amojan, The Evil One
(To Be The Evil One, a self-satisfied label of extreme Jan).
Koss'moran: "To be banished", to exist in a state of having been
banished, also a holy text detailing the imprisonment of the
Kulloth: An polar herd animal.
Signifying a spiritual/community centre, often used in the sense of a city or
Lita: Bajoran currency, also a name, "Leeta".
Makapa: A bread.
Makara: A medicinal herb used by
pregnant women.
Mandala: A personal religious shrine found in most
homes, centre of the family community.
Mapa: A
Mo: The number one
Moba: A
Morala: The one faith, from "Mo"-one, "Ra"-a sense of time,
and "la"-community, spiritual centre. Time will show the Bajoran mainstream to
be the one true faith. "Morala" is used in some older prayers from the more
rigid and authoritarian cults.
Moran: Banishment, becoming "one",
cut off from others.
Navarch: Title invented for Li
Nerak: A flower.
Pagh: The immortal soul,
life-energy, spirit. Some possess more or stronger pagh than others. "Pah" is
corrupted pagh.
Pagh'tem'fa B'tanay: "Awakening of the Sacred
Vision", repressed memories return to the fore in this religiously significant
Pagh'tem'far: A sacred vision
Paghvaram: "Soul
Key", from "pagh"-soul, "va"-source, and "ram"-to open. "Varam"-source of open,
is "key".
Pah-wran: From the dark texts, a celebration of corrupted
Paluku: Large furry spider-like animal native to the
moons of Bajor.
Pate: Basic unit of measurement, used in Tessipate,
Kerripate, etc.
Pavrak: Insulting word
"Gratitude". Peldor Joi is a greeting used in the Gratitude Festival.
Pooncheen: A fruit
Porli: A
Prusin: A plant, some are allergic to
Pylchyk: A domesticated animal
Ra: Time, as an
active force in one's spiritual life (there is an Orb of Time, lest we
Ram: "To open". Note "ra", as time is actively invoked
Ran: Signifies aftermath, end result of a process, outcome.
E.g, used as a root in "duran"-remembrance, or "moran"-banished. Again, note
Ranjen: An honorific title for monks involved in works of
spiritual importance. "Anticipates aftermath", as in, working towards a
satisfaction upon completion of spiritual goals.
Ratamba: A
Remla: A bird.
Ru: "Seeking
Sean: "swamp".
Shalla: Social gathering of
spiritual importance, from "shal"-gather, and "la"-community spiritual
Shafa: A gambling game.
Shodi: A
Shusha: Medicinal herb.
Takeo: Medicinal
Te'nari: A D'Jarra.
Temonis: A stone, pink
Tessijen: A unit of measurement, note "jen" is essentially
"anticipate", a measure of distance from a goal or destination,
Tumika: An era of history
Vedek: Senior clergy member.
Veklava: A
Yavar: "Tears".
Yavar ha: "Tears of Light", AKA
Tears of the Prophets, the sacred orbs (older label)
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